Sunday, May 29, 2011

I have had ants in my pantry over the last week. I think they are planning their tactics. I see them gather for meetings, not bothering at all about food, but grouped closely, conferring. Then they are gone without trace, only to return and attack a honey jar.

Gone again! Another conference in a different venue, then a guerrilla strike on the fig jam. Hunter gatherers or opportunistic thieves, depending on your viewpoint.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For Artsake

Is Art...........?

a means of expressing ideas that cannot be communicated in words.
a visual language.

an exploration of the relationship between the physical and the conceptual.
an act of doing to express a concept.

a concept that is larger than the act.

a random act of kindness as a means of expressing something larger.

Oh, what an idea.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I never did find enough tomatoes for a bottling session. They are so handy for the quick pot of pasta sauce, or to put a bit more body into a soup.

The summer just gone..... is it May already?... was not the best one for tomatoes. Well, I hadn't planted any, so nothing was ever going to happen here. Now its all over and I will have to wait till next year.

Tins will have to do.


Here I am, all set up with a shiny new page to write on and nothing much to say.

Strange how a blank page reflects a blank mind. If I make a mark, will it be the right one? If I write a word, how will it be read?

A word is like a doorway. Many things inside. We have so many to choose from its scary. The familiar ones with the time marked old doors are the safest for now.